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recycling, Page 16

How to DIY Cardboard Storage Box with Dividers

It is awesome to take some cardboard and make a nice storage box, as shown in this DIY tutorial. You can use milk carton to make the dividers, and a packaging box for the main body of the storage box, so…

How to DIY Grocery Bags from Old T-shirts

The city where I am living in has started to ban the use of plastic bags in all stores. It's great to see this environmental friendly trend and I am getting used to bringing my own grocery bag when I…

How to Make a Nice DIY Ottoman from Plastic Bottles

There are many creative ways to re-purpose plastic bottles into some useful household items. You can even use them to make basic furniture! Here is an amazing DIY project to make a nice square ottoman from plastic bottles. Unlike other plastic…

DIY How to Weave a Storage Basket from Old Newspaper

Woven paper craft is a nice way to recycle old newspaper and magazines and turn them into some useful household items, such as a storage basket. Here is a fantastic DIY project to weave a nice storage basket with tubes made from old newspaper.…

How To DIY Repurpose an Old Dresser into a Bench

Thanks to the creativity and efforts of DIY enthusiasts, repurposing old furniture has become more and more popular because it's a nice way of recycling and a cheaper and doable way to own a new functional piece of furniture. If you…

How to DIY Easy Cardboard Cell Phone Charging Holder

What a creative idea to make a simple cardboard cell phone charging holder! It's super easy to make. Simply print out the template and cut out the cardboard. When you use it, just flip it and hand on the adapter to…

How to DIY Toilet Paper Roll Flower Wall Art

Toilet paper roll crafts are great and fun recycling projects that you can work with your kids. Sometimes, these crafts are so beautiful that can exceed your expectation. Here is a super cute idea to create beautiful flower wall art…

How to DIY Creative Zipper Container from Plastic Bottle

Plastic bottle craft is a nice way to recycle plastic bottles. There are many creative ways to re-purpose plastic bottles into some useful household items. Here is another example. You can make cool zipper containers from plastic bottles. The idea…