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recycling, Page 8

DIY Mini Pond from Old Tire

There are many creative and interesting ways to repurpose old tires into some useful items, such as furniture, a plant pot and cute animal shaped garden decors. You can even make a easy and inexpensive mini garden pond using an old tire. If you…

How to DIY Weave a Macrame Bracelet from Old Earphones

Are you wondering what to do with old or non-working earphones? Here is a creative way to reuse them and weave a stylish Macrame bracelet! It’s very easy to make. It’s even better if you have some bright color earphones. Once you…

How to DIY Cozy Cat Bed from Old Sweater

If you have some old sweaters that are worn out, there are many creative ways for you recycle and reuse them. Here is a super cute idea to make a cozy cat bed from an old sweater. It is great for the little…

How to Make DIY Disco Ball With Old CDs

Are you wondering what to do with all those old CDs that are out of use? Here is a creative way for you to recycle your old CDs and turn them into a sparkling disco ball for your own dancing…

Creative Ideas – DIY Adorable Snowman Decor from Old Tires

There are many creative and interesting ways to repurpose old tires into some useful items, such as furniture, a mini garden pond and a plant pot. Be sure to check out all the old tire repurpose projects that are featured on out site HERE.…