25 Amazing DIY Projects to Repurpose Pallets into Garden Planters
Greetings from i Creative Ideas! It’s almost summer and perfect time to grow your plants now! Are you short of garden planters? Maybe you can save some money by making some nice garden planters from pallets. Wood pallets are commonly use as a mechanism for shipping and storing larger items. But recently, they have become so popular as a useful resource for making garden planters. Wood pallets can be disassembled into wood planks that can be used for any size of projects, whether it’s a vertical planter or a garden raised bed. Here at i Creative Ideas, we have rounded up for you 25 amazing DIY projects to repurpose pallets into garden planters. Each of them comes with a source link to the tutorial so that you can follow the instructions to do it yourself. I hope they will be inspirational and get you started for your next pallet project. Let’s check them out!
1. Raised Wood Pallet Garden Bed
2. Wood Pallet Garden Frames
3. Free Standing Pallet Herb Garden
4. Strawberry Pallet Planter
5. Raised Beds From Pallets
6. Kitchen Herb Planter Box
7. The Pallet Garden
8. Planter from pallets
9. Raised Garden Bed
10. Planter with pallets
11. Window Boxes Out of Pallets
12. Pallet Flower Pot Planter
13. Pallet Vertical Garden
14. Creating a Pallet Garden
15. DIY Pallet Planter
16. Slot Together Pyramid Garden Planter
17. DIY Pallet Flower Box
18. Vertical Pallet Planter
19. Creating a Pallet Garden
20. DIY Small Space Pallet Garden On The Balcony
21. DIY Pallet Planter
22. Rustic Planter Box Made From A Pallet
23. Pallet Planter Boxes and Fence
24. DIY Recycled Pallet Planters
25. DIY Tropical Pallet Living Wall