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lifehacks, Page 2

5 Awesome Recycling Hacks For Plastic Bottles

Every year we consume billions of water bottles. Although we can recycle the plastic bottles, there are other better ways to recycle them than just putting them into the recycle bins. We can repurpose plastic bottles into some useful household…

Brilliant Moving Home Hacks To Make Your Life Easier

If you have ever needed to move your home, because of relocating, finding a new place or other reasons, you'll understand how painful and stressful the whole process will be. You have to go through all the hassles of packing, organizing,…

10 Awesome Uses Of Borax For Cleaning Your Household

When it comes to household cleaning, many people rely on the store-bought cleaning products that might contain harsh chemicals. In fact, there are many common household items that can be used as green cleaners, such as vinegar and baking soda.…

Brilliant Laundry Hacks To Make Your Life Easier

Laundry is one of the household chores that not many people can enjoy. It takes up a lot of time. After you wash the clothes in the washing machine, you'll have to pull them out and place in the dryer.…