Creative Ideas – 7 Clever Uses for Soda You Should Know

There are a lot of clever and alternative uses for the everyday items in our household. These tips and tricks can come in handy to make our life easier. Many of us like soda. It’s so refreshing especially during the hot summer days! But did you know soda is also very useful in our everyday life? It is actually more versatile than you might have expected.

In the video below, YouTube channel HouseholdHacker is going to show 7 clever uses for soda you should know. You can use soda to remove gum on concrete or any other surfaces and remove nasty car gunk. You can make a wasp trap and a can lantern out of it. You can even use soda to clean your toilet! Our favorite is #2: use soda to make your flowers stay fresh and alive longer! Please follow the video and check out all 7 clever uses for soda. And don’t forget to share these tips with your friends and family!

source: Household Hacker