How to Make DIY Disco Ball With Old CDs

How to Make DIY Disco Ball With Old CDs

Are you wondering what to do with all those old CDs that are out of use? Here is a creative way for you to recycle your old CDs and turn them into a sparkling disco ball for your own dancing party. Isn’t that cool? It’s very easy and fun to make. Let’s try it!

What you need:

  • A Styrofoam ball;
  • CDs;
  • Craft scissors or kitchen shears;
  • String or hook;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Colored permanent markers (optional).

How to do:

  1. Cut the CDs into small square pieces.
  2. Tie a string around the Styrofoam ball or install a hook on the ball.
  3. Start by gluing the square pieces from the center of the Styrofoam ball. Continueuntil the Styrofoam ball is covered.
  4. Paint with permanent markers to create a multi-colored effect.
  5. Hang the disco ball and get ready to dance!

You may also use the CD pieces to make a stunning mosaic tile birdbath. Click the link below for more details.

How to DIY Mosaic Birdbath from Recycled DVDs

Click here for DIY Mosaic Birdbath from Recycled DVDs