DIY Creative Bacon Rose Bouquet

DIY Creative Bacon Rose Bouquet

Do you need a special gift for your sweetheart on Valentine, anniversary or a date? Instead of buying the traditional bouquet of red roses, you can give a savory gift of food and still present it in a bouquet of roses. Make some bacon roses! This edible rose bouquet will make your sweetheart smile. It’s quick and easy to make. Just roll up the bacon strips into rosebuds, place them in muffin pans and bake. When they are nice and crisp, insert them onto rose stems. Let’s try it!

Here’s the link to the detailed instructions…

Instructables – Bacon Roses Tutorial

The followings are other creative ideas to make edible roses. Enjoy!

Creative Ideas - DIY Beautiful Gumdrop Rose Bouquet

Click here for DIY Beautiful Gumdrop Rose Bouquet

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Click here for Strawberry Rose for Valentine’s Day