DIY Cardboard Collage Puzzle Baby Picture Frame

DIY Cardboard Collage Puzzle Baby Picture Frame 2

Photos record valuable memories of people. With digital cameras so popular these days, many people have hundreds of photos stored in their computers or portable storage devices, or put in albums hidden away on shelves. Creating a unique representation of photos help to bring up all those valuable memories. Today I am excited to feature this super cute idea to make an original picture frame for babies. It’s a collage puzzle style picture frame made from cardboard. Isn’t it cool? Each of the twelve puzzle pieces shows the precious moments in the twelve months of a baby. Take this idea further and you can create more pieces of the puzzle to record other valuable memories. It makes a great gift for babies!

To make this cardboard collage puzzle baby picture frame, you’ll need:

  • baby photos
  • cardboard
  • scrapbook paper
  • ornaments
  • scissors, pencil, glue