Clever Beauty Tricks to Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads

Clever Beauty Tricks to Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads

Blackheads and whiteheads are stubborn skin problems and we all struggled with them at one point in our life. When dirt, oil or dry skin cells build up in the pores, blackheads and whiteheads appear, sometimes at the base of the pore deep underneath the skin. If not treated timely or properly, they can easily damage the pore, leave scars on the skin and develop roots within the skin layers. So it’s important that we check our skin and clean the blackheads and whitehead regularly, especially for oily skin. If you are looking for fast and simple home remedies to unclog your pores, here’s a great tutorial for you.

In this tutorial, Jennifer Chiu is going to show us  6 clever beauty tricks to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads instantly! My favorite one is using dental floss to remove blackheads. Isn’t this genius? It’s more hygienic than using your hands or other tools. Follow the video for all these great tips to unclog your pores and make your skin smooth. And don’t forget to share these clever tricks with your friends!

source: Jennifer Chiu