DIY Rainbow Color Patch Rug from Old Sweatshirts

DIY Rainbow Color Patch Rug from Old Sweatshirt 3

Making rugs or mats from fabric scraps is a nice way to recycle your old clothes. I featured two similar projects on my site before. The main difference of the projects is how to connect the fabric scraps. The first one uses sewing method, while the second one uses crochet method. Today I am excited to feature another one that uses a knitting loom. I really like the design of this rug with rainbow color patches that look so bright and colorful. Let’s try it!

To make this colorful rug, you’ll need:

  • Sweatshirts of different colors;
  • Knitting loom;
  • Needle;
  • Thread;
  • Scissors.

DIY Rainbow Color Patch Rug from Old Sweatshirt 2

If you are interested in the other two similar projects, here are the links: