
THIS Is What Happens When You Wrap Your Teeth In Aluminum Foil For 1 Hour

Your teeth are one of the first things people notice about you. Having whiter and cleaner teeth and a brighter smile will help you give a good impression on other people and boost your confidence. That’s why teeth whitening is one of the most requested cosmetic services today. Americans spend billions of dollars on whitening products each year. Many people go to the dentists for teeth-whitening treatment, but this can be very expensive. It turns out that there are many simple and cheap home remedies to whiten your teeth naturally with things your probably already have around your home, such as baking soda and aluminum foil.

In this tutorial, YouTuber Radu Pasca is going to demonstrate a simple and effective way to whiten your yellow teeth at home. Simply mix baking soda and toothpaste, apply it on some aluminum foil and wrap it around your teeth. Leave it on for 1 hour, remove the foil and brush your teeth. If you want to get better results, repeat this procedure twice a day for a week. Then you will see the first results. Follow the video and get the instructions. Be sure not to repeat this treatment too often as it might damage the enamel of the tooth. It is always a good idea to consult a dentist if you have questions.

source: Radu Pasca

Are you going to give it a try? Please share with us if it works for you or not.


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