Similar to basil, lemon balm can be regrown by putting a 2 to 3 inch cutting down the stem in a glass of water. When the roots are long enough, you can plant them in pots. Tutorial via 17 Apart.
Greetings from i Creative Ideas! No time or space for your own vegetable garden? No worries! You can still enjoy growing vegetables at home. There are some vegetables that you can regrow again and again from kitchen scraps. Here at i Creative Ideas, we have come up with a roundup of 13 vegetables that you can regrow again and again. Examples include lettuce, celery, bok choy, sweet potato and basil. They are super easy to grow. You’ll just need a little bit time and patience to take care of the new plants and make sure they have the necessary water and sunlight. But the benefits are huge. You will have your own organic vegetable garden with regular supply at essentially no cost! In addition, projects like these will be great activities or fun experiments for the kids. They will have fun watching the scraps sprout and regrow. It’s a great way for the kids to learn about recycling and how plants and food can grow. Sounds magical? Let’s get started!
Green Onions are probably the easiest vegetables to regrow. You can regrow green onions by cutting them in about an inch from the roots and placing them in a glass of water. Tutorial via We are not Foodies.
Rosemary can be propagated and regrown by cutting 2-3 inch from the tops of the rosemary stalks and placing them into water. When the new roots sprout, you can transfer them into soil-filled containers. Tutorial via 17 Apart.
Similar to basil, lemon balm can be regrown by putting a 2 to 3 inch cutting down the stem in a glass of water. When the roots are long enough, you can plant them in pots. Tutorial via 17 Apart.
There are some fruit plants that you can regrow from scraps or seeds. The followings are some examples for you. Enjoy!
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